[BIFE Eng ver.] What facade engineers do? 3/3

wwrww 2021. 4. 9. 19:10

(2) 6 representative works


4. Paneling

Museo Soumaya paneling by Ghery technologies ¹
Curved surface panelling reference image ²

Paneling means dividing the entire facade of a building into units of materials. In addition, the entire surface of the building is divided into the size of which the material can be processed. Simple building shapes can be uncomplicated, but when the geometry of the building becomes complex, the paneling itself becomes a single area of work for the facade engineer. While seeking solutions to create fewer panels and types in the most efficient way, also concern methods to preserve the architect's original design. When paneling is completed, material information such as material and size of panels is automatically organized into excel sheets and tables, used for ordering materials. Typical paneling tools include Rhino Grasshoppers.


5. Detail design

Facade detail drawing reference image ³

Facade engineers draw detailed drawings of the facade. Facade drawings vary in level of detail depending on the stage - concept, design development, and construction. In the concept phase, the drawing is conceptual. However it changes realistically as the stage approaches the construction phase, and the scale of the drawing is enlarged to 1:5, 1:2, and even 1:1 scale. In the case of designing details, engineers take into account the order and convenience of construction. Also considering what kind of detailed design approaches or strategies can work closest with the architect's intentions even when it is constructed in a real building.


6. BMU

BMU installation reference image ⁴
BMU installation reference image ⁵

BMU is short for building a maintenance unit. Cleaning up the facade is not an easy job for high-rise buildings. At this time, the facade is cleaned and repaired using a machine for maintaining facade. This machine is called BMU. The task of positioning and managing BMU is also the task of the facade engineer.


Image sources are from, ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵